The simple past and the past continuous are two tenses commonly used to make general statements about the past. Although they are both past tenses their uses are quite different. The simple past tense is only used to say that something happened at some time in the past. I went to a Chinese restaurant yesterday. [...]
Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to certain people, ideas, or products and turned off by others? Are you constantly searching for something you can’t put your finger on, or wondering whether you are living a life that truly fits?
Steve has to go shopping, but he doesn't want to miss his favourite radio programme with Tara Mason. As he listens, he realises he has something important to tell her. Can he tell her in time?
This is the book that chronicled the lives and times of "the Lost Generation," American expatriates that filled Europe between the world wars. Hemingway's expatriates are there for two different reasons: one is there solely for entertainment, the other, to heal from the horrors of war and create something worth living for. Wounded Jake Barnes narrates a great, difficult love story.
Cartoonist Scott Adams gives us still more corporate belly laughs with a point in Dogbert's Management Secrets Revealed, the 10th book based on his wildly popular Dilbert comic strip. Taken this time directly from the word processor of world-class consultant Dogbert, it focuses on critical management responsibilities like keeping up with fads, implementing pointless reorganizations and demanding status reports. "Leadership isn't something you're born with," it declares. "It's something you learn by reading Dogbert books."