Curriculum Development, Materials Design and Methodologies
Added by: monicaalfonsomariani | Karma: 165.22 | ESP, Only for teachers | 9 September 2019
This book provides a selection of innovative strategies and creative ways of teaching English. Teachers must bear in mind that there is no single “best” method of teaching language. One should never limit oneself to a single method only. A teaching method which may be appropriate with one class may not necessarily work as well for another
A proposal that a single linguistic/cognitive system, "targeting," underlies two domains of reference, anaphora (speech-internal) and deixis (speech-external). In this book, Leonard Talmy proposes that a single linguistic/cognitive system, targeting, underlies two domains of linguistic reference, those termed anaphora (for a referent that is an element of the current discourse) and deixis (for a referent outside the discourse and in the spatiotemporal surroundings). Talmy argues that language engages the same cognitive system to single out referents whether they are speech-internal or speech-external.
This significant new guide to finance has a broader scope and greater emphasis on general principles than most other books of its kind, which typically focus exclusively on corporate finance. Acclaimed authors Bodie and Merton offer an approach balanced among the three "pillars" of finance–optimization over time, asset valuation, and risk management. It encompasses all subfields of finance within a single unifying conceptual framework. Offers the "big picture" of resource allocation over time under conditions of uncertainty.
Little progress had been made by the Thames Valley Police since the discovery of a corpse in a North Oxford flat. The victim had been killed by a single stab wound to the stomach. The police had no weapon, no suspect, no motive, but within days of taking over the investigation,