 Автобиографическая книга солиста группы KISS Джина Симмонса, читает автор.
Unabridge audiobook, American accent You wanted the truth, you got the truth - the hottest book in the world! Fueled by an explosive mix of makeup, costumes, and attitude, KISS burst onto the music scene 30 years ago and has become a rock institution. The band has sold more than 80 million records, has broken every concert attendance record set by Elvis Presley and the Beatles, stands behind the Beatles alone in number of gold records from any group in history, and has spawned more than 2,500 licenses.
Tags: Simmons, MakeUp, records, world, Beatles, truth, record, Elvis |
English Reader Collection 2
Added by: michael5276122 | Karma: 0 | Fiction literature | 1 June 2007 |
English Reader Collection 2
Stephen King - Salem's Lot. Perry Anne - A Sudden Fearful Death. Preston & Child - The Book of the Dead. Linwood Barclay - Stone Rain. Tom Clancy - Red Storm Rising. David Wellington - Frostbite. Stephen King - My Pretty Pony. Shirley Jackson - The Haunting of Hill House. Hayes Madison - [Calendar Girl] - Miss May. Harlan Coben - The Woods. Richard Matheson - Hell House. Richard Matheson - I Am Legend. Chandler A Bertram - The Far Traveller. Sitchin Zecharia - 12th Planet. 12th Planet Book Images Richard Stark - Flashfire. Dan Simmons - Hyperion. Dan Simmons - The Fall of Hyperion. Dan Simmons - Endymion. ...
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Tags: Simmons, Richard, Matheson, Planet, English |