Udemy - Playwrights Practice: Playwriting Made Easy
Write, edit and workshop original short plays. Examine and change your life. Train the playwright in you! This is a comprehensive course designed to teach aspiring playwrights the methods and skills necessary to create their own short stage plays from idea inception through polished final draft execution. Seasoned writers will benefit from the online table reading component as well as the lectures, allowing a chance to review technique as well as hear and garner constructive criticism of short works. We will reference and study theatrical masterpieces as examples.
Now, learn the master key for writing great short stories, and the strategies for using them to advance your writing career As most writers will tell you, the hardest fiction form to master is the short story. To be successful, a short story needs to have "emotional wallop," and in under 7,000 words. Not easy to do.
Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Fiction literature | 6 November 2016
100 Years of the Best American Short Stories
The Best American Short Stories is the longest running and best-selling series of short fiction in the country. For the centennial celebration of this beloved annual series, master of the form Lorrie Moore selects forty stories from the more than two thousand that were published in previous editions. Series editor Heidi Pitlor recounts behind-the-scenes anecdotes and examines, decade by decade, the trends captured over a hundred years. Together, the stories and commentary offer an extraordinary guided tour through a century of literature with what Moore calls “all its wildnesses of character and voice.”
Книга с полным текстом аудиозаписи (адаптированный текст трех сказок Оскара Уайлда), множество иллюстраций и упражнений. В книге много дополнительной информации о церемонии коронации, о викторианской эпохе и знаменитых англичанах викторианской эпохи, поэтому книга может также использоваться как материал по страноведению.