Along with Shakespeare, Jane Austen (1775-1817) can be said to be the most widely studied author in the history of English literature. But unlike Shakespeare, her language has received little scholarly attention. This is especially true for the language of her letters. Jane Austen's letters, mostly addressed to her sister Cassandra but to various other people as well, have been described as the equivalent of telephone conversations, and if you read them, you can almost hear her speak. We do not have access to actual speech from the time in which she lived, but the letters take us as close to the spoken language of the period as you might hope to get.
Приложение на английском языке к "Учительской газете". Это цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. На его страницах можно найти информацию об англоговорящих странах, новости культуры этих стран, материалы Гиа и ЕГЭ. News in brief Was Shakespeare a Humble Schoolmaster During His 'Lost Years'?
Situated within the Handbooks to Literature series, the group of Oxford Handbooks to Shakespeare are designed to record past and present investigations and renewed and revised judgments by both familiar and younger Shakespearean specialists. Each of these volumes is edited by one or more internationally distinguished Shakespeareans; together, they comprehensively survey the entire field. An essential resource for the study of Shakespeare, The Handbook to Shakespeare is edited by esteemed scholar Arthur Kinney and contains forty specially written essays.
A study of tragedies, comedies, romances, and histories, this book examines the dynamic interplay of three concepts—gender, text, and habitat—as metaphors for cross-cultural definition. De Sousa argues that by refashioning stage aliens such as Jews, Moors, Amazons, and gypsies, Shakespeare interrogates a Eurocentric perspective and the caricatures cultures create of one another. Writing in an accessible, compelling style, de Sousa recovers a wealth of information on race and gender relations in early modern Europe.
Added by: hmimi | Karma: 167.25 | Black Hole | 9 August 2014
Shakespeare's Dramatic Transactions
DIVShakespeare’s Dramatic Transactions uses conventions of performance criticism—staging and theatrical presentation—to analyze seven major Shakespearean tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Richard II, and Richard III. As scholars and readers increasingly question the theoretical models used to describe the concepts of “mimesis” and “representation,” this book describes how the actor’s stage presentation affects the actor’s representational role and the ways in which viewers experience Shakespearean tragedy
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