Romani in Britain: The Afterlife of a Language
Romani in Britain is the first academic, empirically-based study dedicated to the unique speech form of English Romanies/Gypsies, often called Anglo-Romani. The book contributes to studies of language endangerment and death; studies of "secret" and "in-group" languages; and mixed language research. |
Tags: language, Romani, studies, Britain, death, Language, Afterlife |
Romani A Linguistic Introduction
Romani is a language of Indo-Aryan origin which is spoken in Europe by the people known as ‘Gypsies’ (who usually refer to themselves as Rom). There are upwards of 3.5 million speakers, and their language has attracted increasing interest both from scholars and from policy makers in governments and other organisations during the past ten years. |
Tags: Romani, language, scholars, policy, interest, Introduction, Linguistic, increasing |