A magazine for the learners of English at upper intermediate and advanced levels (B2-C1). Features: language, music, economy, politics, literature, mass media, social problems, nature, and new technologies. Audio, scripts and worksheets included.
Muscles, Nerves, and Pain: A Guide to Diagnosis, Pain Concepts and Therapy, 2nd edition
Many patients suffer from problems in their muscles or nerves in combination with pain. This book is about the complex interplay between the causes of these problems and the puzzle they pose.
A magazine for the learners of English at upper intermediate and advanced levels (B2-C1). Features: language, music, economy, politics, literature, mass media, social problems, nature, and new technologies. Audio, scripts and worksheets included.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Fiction literature | 12 March 2017
Alem is on holiday with his father for a few days in London. He has never been out of Ethiopia before and is very excited. They have a great few days togther until one morning when Alem wakes up in the bed and breakfast they are staying at to find the unthinkable. His father has left him. It is only when the owner of the bed and breakfast hands him a letter that Alem is given an explanation. Alem's father admits that because of the political problems in Ethiopia both he and Alem's mother felt Alem would be safer in London - even though it is breaking their hearts to do this.
There are certain comma errors keep popping up. Here we cover the most common ones: the comma splice, the interrupter rule, the serial comma, interchangeable adjectives, introductory words, and the notorious dependant clause at the start of a sentence.