An epic account of traveling the length of the Oregon Trail the old-fashioned way-in a covered wagon with a team of mules, an audacious journey that hasn't been attempted in a century-which also chronicles the rich history of the trail, the people who made the migration, and its significance to the country.
In many countries the school curriculum oscillates between focusing on traditional subjects and focusing on skills that are linked to the needs of the 21st-century digital age. Rosamund Sutherland argues against such a skills-based curriculum, maintaining that, from a social justice perspective, the priority of schools should be to give young people access to the knowledge that they are not likely to learn outside school.
The industrial revolution was the single most important development in human history over the past three centuries, and it continues to shape the contemporary world. With new methods and organizations for producing goods, industrialization altered where people live, how they play, and even how they define political issues.
Reader's Digest is a monthly general-interest family magazine discovering the greatest writers from around the world with insightful journalism, investigations to open your eyes, inspirational real-life stories and adventures to thrill you, advice to live by, health news to depend on, people to inspire you and humour to make you laugh out loud! Reader's Digest is a general interest family magazine, published ten times annually.