Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » GRE | 1 April 2018
Get the only official guide to the GRE General Test that comes straight from the test makers! If you're looking for the best, most authoritative guide to the GRE General Test, you've found it! The Official Guide to theGRE General Test is the only GRE guide specially created by ETS--the people who actually make the test. It's packed with everything you need to do your best on the test--and move toward your graduate or business school degree.Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the test, tell you precisely how the test is scored, and give you hundreds of authentic test questions for practice!
The GMAT Official Guide Quantitative Review provides targeted preparation for the mathematical portion of the GMAT exam. Designed by the Graduate Management Admission Council, this guide contains 300 real GMAT questions from past exams including 45 never-before-seen questions
The GMAT Official Guide 2018 Verbal Review provides additional practical preparation focused on the verbal portion of the exam. Written by the Graduate Management Admission Council, this guide contains 300 real GMAT questions from past exams, including 45 never-before-seen questions, plus the following features: an overview of the exam to help you get familiar with the content and format; comprehensive grammar review; detailed answer explanations that explain how the test maker thinks about a question; questions organized in order of difficulty from easiest to hardest to focus your study; access to the same questions online at, where you can build your own practice sets.
With 25% brand new content, The Official Guide for the GMAT Verbal Review 2016 is the only official study guide focusing on the verbal portion of the GMAT® exam. It delivers more than 300 retired questions from the GMAT®, complete with answer explanations to help focus your test preparation efforts.
The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016 The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2016, featuring all question types, delivers more than 900 retired GMAT questions and answer explanations. Not only is there 25% new content, you will also get exclusive access to videos from real test takers and GMAC staff who share insight and tips on GMAT preparation.