Added by: zheka1995-1995 | Karma: 9357.69 | Black Hole | 4 December 2012
The Red Notebook
Englisch lernen mit Paul Auster: Ein verbrannter Zwiebelkuchen und eine vertauschte Telefonnummer, ein versteckter Notizzettel in einem Pariser Hotel, Reifenpannen zerstören eine Freundschaft, und eine Frau heiratet ihren Bruder – in den Erzählungen aus Paul Austers rotem Notizbuch spielt der Zufall die entscheidende Rolle. Kleine und große Schicksale, tragische und komische Momente zeichnen ein authentisches Bild unglaublicher, aber wahrer Alltagserlebnisse.
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2011 г. 112 стр.Тетрадь-словарик для 3-4 классов. Для пополнения словарного запаса. Пособие состоит из таблицы с колонками для записи слов, их перевода и транскрипции. В издании приведены задания на лучшее усвоение и запоминание словарных слов,а также основные правила грамматики английского языка, владение которыми поможет избежать наиболее часто допускаемых ошибок.
This novel, by the author of "Oscar and Lucinda", tells the story of a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is, and takes up a notebook to explore and notate the true nature of the Underworld. In 1985 Bliss was adapted into a film, Bliss, directed by Ray Lawrence and starring Barry Otto
Anna Wulf is a writer who keeps four notebooks, each a different color, each reflecting a different part of her. The black one contains recollections of her youthful wartime years in West Africa, experiences that went into her first novel. In the red one she reflects on her later life in London's leftist and intellectual circles. The blue notebook analyzes her fraught relations with men. The yellow contains her fragmentary attempts at new fiction. With the fifth, the golden notebook, and with The Golden Notebook, Wulf/Lessing struggles to tie all the threads fearlessly back together again.
At the start of this improbable thriller from bestseller Preston (The Codex), innocent bystander Tom Broadbent is riding his horse through a New Mexico canyon when he comes upon prospector Stem Weathers, who's just been shot. Before Weather dies, he gives Tom a notebook filled with mysterious numbers, asking him to pass it on to his daughter. Taking this assignment to heart, Tom puts himself and his wife at ever greater, more pointless risk as he tries to deliver the notebook.