This thriller involves a kidnapping of an amateur jockey and accountant and is written by the former National Hunt Jockey and author of many thrillers.
The Structural Engineer's Pocket Book is the only compilation of all tables, data, facts and formulae needed for scheme design by structural engineers in a handy-sized format. Bringing together data from many sources into a compact, affordable pocketbook, it saves valuable time spent tracking down information needed regularly. This new and improved edition has been updated throughout, expanding previous chapters and reflecting changes to the British Standards, as well as including a whole new section on Sustainability covering general concepts, materials, actions and targets for structural engineers.
The book contains the following plays - (each one is in a separate scanned OCRed pdf+ a separate questions' pdf) 1. The Merchant od Venice 2. Macbeth 3. The Tempest 4. Hamlet 5. King Lear Questions