It has been suggested that Hemingway's art has both the virtues and limitations of lyricism - including maximum intensity. This collection of essays examines "A Farewell to Arms".
Written by a leading author and lecturer with over thirty years experience teaching and examining contract law, The Modern Law of Contract continues to equip students with a clear and logical introduction to contract law.
Exploring all of the recent developments and case decisions in the field of contract law, it combines a meticulous examination of authorities and commentaries with a modern contextual approach. An ideal accessible introduction to contract law for students coming to legal study for the first time, this leading textbook offers straight-forward explanations of all of the topics found on an undergraduate or GDL contract law module.
Очень хорошая и весьма познавательная радиопостановка (BBC - 2006), посвященная всем нам известному человеку - чьи словари здесь скачиваются одним махом. Собственно говоря, пьеса является как бы воображаемыми уроками – самыми настоящими уроками, вы найдете там все, о чем читали! - с любовью и мягким юмором. The Word Man Chris Harrald's vivid and imaginative play about Henry Fowler, the creator of the Concise Oxford Dictionary and Fowler's Modern English Usage. Celebrating the beauty of language, the joy of words and the wonder of finding love later in life, this is a witty and erudite comic romance.
In The Company, the largely unknown history of the joint-stock company is presented by the editors of Economist. One of history's greatest catalysts, the joint-stock company has dramatically changed the way human beings live, work, and conduct business. With companies now affecting the world on a global scale, it is more pressing than ever before to understand this driving force. A concise and entertaining Modern Library Classic, The Company is a fascinating listen with a reading from narrator Jonathan Davis.