Plunkett's Outsourcing & Offshoring Industry Almanac 2011
Outsourcing of all types, offshoring of business processing, offshore contract manufacturing and globalization in general continue to create massive change in the world of business. This revolution creates both opportunities and challenges for organizations, managers and professionals of all types. Plunkett's Outsourcing & Offshoring Industry Almanac covers these sectors in detail.
The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth CenturyScience is inextricably linked with mathematics. Statistician David Salsburg examines the development of ever-more-powerful statistical methods for determining scientific truth in The Lady Tasting Tea, a series of historical and biographical sketches that illuminate without alienating the mathematically timid. Salsburg, who has worked in academia and industry and has met many of the major players he writes about, shares his subjects' enthusiasm for problem solving and deep thinking.
The Business of Sports: Volume 1, Perspectives on the Sports Industry
The Business of Sports is a comprehensive examination of the sports industry. From its inception, our goal was to bring together a group of international scholars and industry practitioners who were passionately involved in the sports business from a variety of perspectives and turn them loose on the biggest issues facing the sports industry in the twenty-first century. Because sport is a universal phenomenon, we solicited contribution from authors all over the globe.
The Business of Sports: Volume 2, Economic Perspectives on Sport
The business of Sports is a comprehensive examination of the sports industry. From its inception, our goal was to bring together a group of international scholars and industry practitioners who were passionately involved in the sports business from a variety of perspectives and turn them loose on the biggest issues facing the sports industry in the twenty-first century. Because sport is a universal phenomenon, we solicited contributions from authors all over the globe.
The Business of Sports: Volume 3, Bridging Research and Practice
The Business of Sports is a comprehensive examination of the sports industry. From its inception, our goal was to bring together a group of international scholars and industry practitioners who were passionately involved in the sports business from a variety of perspectives and turn them loose on the biggest issues facing the sports industry in the twenty-first century. Because sport is a universal phenomenon, we solicited contributions from authors all over the globe.