Showcasing the colorful, even raucous, political, social, and unique cultural qualities of Louisiana history, this new collection of essays features the finest and latest scholarship. Includes readings featuring recent scholarship that expand on traditional historical accountsIncludes material on every region of LouisianaCovers a wide range of fields, including social, environmental, and economic historyDetailed, focused material on different areas in Louisiana history, including women’s history as well as the state’s diverse ethnic populations
This is a complete resource for scholars and students of Tolkien, as well as avid fans, with coverage of his life, work, dominant themes, influences, and the critical reaction to his writing. An in-depth examination of Tolkien’s entire work by a cadre of top scholarsProvides up-to-date discussion and analysis of Tolkien’s scholarly and literary works, including his latest posthumous book, The Fall of Arthur, as well as addressing contemporary adaptations, including the new Hobbit filmsInvestigates various themes across his body of work, such as mythmaking, medieval languages, nature, war, religion, and the defeat of evil
This volume contains functional approaches to the description of language and culture, and language and cultural change. The approaches taken by the authors range from cognitive approaches including Stratificational grammar to more socially oriented ones including Systemic Functional linguistics. The volume is organized into two sections.
This dictionary has been revised to include the definitions of over 7,000 terms from all aspects of ecology and environmental fields, including climate, pollution, waste disposal and energy conservation.
In this volume Silvio Cruschina uses a comparative analysis to determine the syntax of the functional projections associated with discourse-related features, and to account for the marked word orders found in Romance-particularly in the fronting phenomena. Several language-specific analyses of discourse-related phenomena have been proposed in the literature, including studies on the notions of topic and focus in Romance...