Words and the Mind: How words capture human experience
The study of word meanings promises important insights into the nature of the human mind by revealing what people find to be most cognitively significant in their experience. However, as we learn more about the semantics of various languages, we are faced with an interesting problem. Different languages seem to be telling us different stories about the mind. For example, important distinctions made in one language are not necessarily made in others.
The Teacher's Basic Tools - Making Our Lessons Memorable
A series of teacher training books on introductory methodology for beginning teachers, as well as developing professionals, who are interested in updating their skills and teaching techniques. The series covers some of the most basic and important areas of EFL methodology.
Green Building: Guidebook for Sustainable Architecture
An important consideration for energy-efficient buildings is their primary energy requirements over the entire life cycle. How to determine this? What integrative factors influence the performance of a healthy and sustainable building? This, while it may be important for clients and architects to know, is frequently not very transparent.
Too Big to Save? How to Fix the U.S. Financial System
Industry luminary Robert Pozen offers his insights on the future of U.S. finance The recent credit crisis and the resulting bailout program are unprecedented events in the financial industry. While it's important to understand what got us here, it's even more important to consider how we should get out. While there is little question that immediate action was required to stabilize the situation, it is now time to look for a long-term plan to reform the United States financial industry.
Most of the challenges facing the environment are due to the fact that the human population is straining the Earth's finite resources. Fortunately, preteens and teens are in a stage in life where they can embrace idealistic goals and get involved in causes that are important to them. Science teachers have the opportunity to empower their students and put them on the road to making positive changes to the environment.