This is the diary . . . of a worm. Surprisingly, a worm not that different from you or me. Except he eats his homework. Oh, and his head looks a lot like his rear end.
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 21 July 2009
In Wellington's energetic horror debut, the first of a promised trilogy, Manhattan has become Monster Island after a plague has turned all its denizens into shambling, rotting animated corpses, except for a couple who have kept their intelligence and also acquired psychic powers.
The book is advisable for the students who learn Business English at lyseums, gymnasiums and higher educational establisments and for those people who want to go abroad on business or as a tourist. Suitable for beginners and intermediate. Except some practical exercises (in Ukrainian) - the main part of the book is in English, including instructions. SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
Sunnyvista is a city in the future, a place where all you have to do is sunbathe, watch TV and play sports. Nobody knows why they are in Sunnyvista or what is happening outside the city, but everybody is happy - everybody except Dan. One day Dan decides to find out more.