Exam Booster. Preparation for B2+ Level Exams : Teacher's Book
Exam Booster the preparatory course for B2+ level exam. It is specially designed to offer comprehensive coverage of the skills needed for learners at CEF level B2+. 3 in 1: Coursebook & Workbook & Grammar book.
Exam Booster. Preparation for B2+ Level Exams : Student's Book
Exam Booster the preparatory course for B2+ level exam. It is specially designed to offer comprehensive coverage of the skills needed for learners at CEF level B2+. 3 in 1: Coursebook & Workbook & Grammar book.
How to pass exams & assessment provides everything a student is likely to need to prepare for and perform well in all types of university assessment and examination
Sacked - Vocabulary Novel for SAT / GRE / TOEFL / GMAT exams
When your teammates are the enemy. Sacked is SparkNotes’ brand new SAT novel—a fun way to learn SAT and ACT vocab words in context. Sacked takes us into the world of Drew Benson, a high school senior ready to take his older brother’s spot as starting quarterback. But when a big, fast new kid named Samson Hill shows up, Drew finds he has competition for the top spot. Drew’s dad pressures his son to be number one, and each week we learn more about how far Drew will go to be the best.