The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: Huang
The first clinical textbook of acumoxa therapy dating from the third century - and one of the four great Chinese acupuncture classics - this book is so authoritative that it has provided the framework and standard for all subsequent acupuncture textbooks in China. It contains all the most important passages of the Su Wen and Ling Shu, collated, edited, and arranged according to topic.
The information presented in the Handbook of Brain Microcircuits was previously dispersed across the literature. In fact, some microcircuits were previously brought together for selected regions in The Synaptic Organization of the Brain edited by Gordon Shepherd (2003) and Microcircuits edited by Sten Grillner and Ann Graybiel (2006). This handbook greatly extends that coverage to over 40 regions of the vertebrate and invertebrate nervous system becoming the go-to source for key circuits within the neurosciences.
Added by: englishcology | Karma: 4552.53 | Fiction literature | 24 August 2010
These stories, written between the early 1920s to the mid-1950s, reveal the fascinating progress of Nabokov's early development as they remind us that we are in the presence of a magnificent original, a genuine master. Edited by his son and translator, Dmitri Nabokov, this volume is a literary event.
The Renaissance or Early Modern period saw a creative explosion of such force that, four hundred years later, its plays are still some of the most frequently performed and studied of dramatic works. This anthology offers a full introduction to Renaissance theatre in its historical and political contexts, along with newly edited and annotated texts of such plays as: Edward II (Christopher Marlowe), Tis Pity She's a Whore (John Ford), and The Masque of Blackness (Ben Jonson).
Genetics for Surgeons By Patrick J. Morrison, Roy A. J. Spence
A new book in the Genetics Series – convenient reference guides designed to help clinicians apply the wealth of new genetic information to their clinical practice. The series is edited by medical geneticist Eli Hatchwell of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, and each book is authored by respected authorities in the field.