The Science Guy talks about the barrage of objects from space in Bill Nye the Science Guy: Comets and Meteors, part of his popular series aimed at young science students. Bill Nye bombards his audience with hard facts about comets, meteors, and smaller debris that slam into the Earth, other planets, and their moons throughout the solar system. He discusses the theories that a meteor impact caused the death of the dinosaurs and that a comet brought life in its most primitive form to Earth.
Understanding the wonders of the universe begins at home -- on our home planet! All About the Earth gives children a close-up look at what makes the third planet from the sun so special. Why is there life on Earth? What is our planet made of? How does it fit into the rest of the universe? These questions and more are answered in this fun look at planet Earth. Spectacular NASA footage and lively animation will pique kids' curiosity. Hands-on activities are ideal for students to use as ideas for science fair projects.
Over the course of its 4.5 billion-year history, Earth has undergone a great number of changes -- from a red-hot ball of molten lava to a planet with an environment capable of sustaining life. In All About Earth's History, children will trace the evolution of Earth and the organisms that populate it. Young viewers will take a peek deep inside the Earth, examining its varied layers while discussing how scientists use fossils to help map out the complex time line of events that has changed Earth over millions of years.
The Earth is filled with a diverse variety of land formations - from mountains to valleys, canyons to plains. But what's the difference between a folded and a block mountain? A mesa and a butte? A bay and a peninsula? In Land Formations, students learn the answers to these and other questions as they examine how forces such as weathering and continental drift have impacted the rise and fall of land on the Earth.
The geological history of the Earth covers billions of years! In Geological History, students will examine a time line of the Earth, tracking its violent beginnings and ever-changing face. Discover the four major segments of geologic time (the Precambrian and the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras), and learn about the plant and animal life that developed during each. A journey under the sea shows how geologists study the layers of rock that lie deep under the ocean floor...