There are five delicate doily patterns using sewing thread and a size 10 steel hook. The thread painting technique may be used on any doily pattern. Thread painting is a technique used in crochet to give the effect of shaded color. Sewing thread is highly reccomended because of the wide range of colors available and of the size of the thread, which makes the color changes subtle rather than drastic if regular crochet thread were used.This book is not recommended for the novice crocheter.
This pattern booklet includes instructions for projects to make after you make the doilies, or... purchased doilies. There are no doilies patterns in this book.
Chenille Doilies are crochet pattern designs published by Annie's Attic to crochet with size 10 crochet thread and chenille or sport yarn. Patterns include: Round Doily, 15" across Square Doily, 15" square Star Doily, 13-1/2" across Heart Doily, 14-1/2" across Motif Doily, 14" x 19"