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Cops (Roleplaying Game)

Cops (Roleplaying Game)Cops (Roleplaying Game)

Out on the streets, it's you, your service revolver, and your partner. Remember to wear your vest. The day you forget it is the day some punk pops a cap in your gut.

Cops is an in-depth look at the world of the police officer. Players can recreate their favorite cop show with details about police forces through history, different sorts of police jobs, what investigations are like in the real world . . . through the courts and sentencing. This is a gritty, no-punches-pulled book for the player and GM who want a realistic game.

Tags: police, world, through, courts, investigations, Roleplaying
The Laws of Love: A Brief Historical and Practical Manual (Language, Discourse, Society)
The Laws of Love: A Brief Historical and Practical Manual (Language, Discourse, Society) The laws of Venus, to give them their proper name, have a venerable and lengthy history and there are ample if now somewhat understudied records of their courts and practices. To gain an initial sense of the scope of this history and the nature of these practices we have to return to the philosophical tradition, to Plato, and there trace the roots of a law that later spanned the courts of Europe and gave rise to the most enduring of forms of poetic justice.
Tags: courts, practices, history, there, their