BBC Business English is a course for business people who want to use
English confidently at work. It consists of this book and three audiocassettes.
BBC Business English contains:
realistic business situations set in several different countries,
lively dialogues which illustrate how business people talk on the
telephone, in meetings, at conferences and on social occasions,
letters, memos, reports and other documents to provide reading practice and models for writing,
formal business vocabulary and informal idiomatic English presented in appropriate contexts.
The business dialogues and documents are supported by a range of activities and study aids:
exercises designed to develop vocabulary and practise grammar,
speaking and writing tasks to build confidence in discussing figures,
dictating exercises which test listening and writing skills,
a full answer key, including model answers where appropriate,
page-by-page notes on vocabulary, phrases and structures,
a glossary of specialist terms for easy reference.
BBC Business English is suitable for any learner of English at
intermediate level or above. It is ideal for people who want to study
in their own time, and can be used flexibly to fit a busy schedule. It
can be studied unit by unit or selectively, for reference and revision.
The cassettes can be played in a car or personal stereo. The course
also provides a rich source of material for the classroom teacher.
Cловарь-справочник содержит активную лексику, необходимую для делового общения и переговоров по экономическим и финансовым вопросам. Словарь рассчитан на лиц, уже владеющих английским в рамках программы английского языка в вузе и желающих овладеть деловым английским. Справочник может быть также использован преподавателями, переводчиками и всеми, кто интересуется современным деловым английским языком.
The Professional English series is designed for both pre-work students and those already working.
English for Business provides students with the language and life skills necessary to pursue business-related career goals. Through language pratice based in real world situations, this intergrated skills approach builds confidence and motivates students towards successful careers. Students can pratice English language skills in the following business-oriented scenarios: Resume-buiding, Interview skills, Sales and marketing, Finance, Global concerns in the workplace.
The English for Business Teacher's Resource Book offers detailed teaching notes with clear objectives supported by the following tools: complete answer keys for all exercises in the student book, two-page photocopiable tests for all units with optional listening, speaking, and testing guidelines, additional photocopiable activity pages for further practice of lesson objectives, photocopiable reading and writing resource pages.
Are you ready to earn the success you deserve? Your business success starts with personal success. Bill Bartmann
will show you what took him from poverty to the 25th wealthiest person in
America, from bankruptcy to billionaire, from failure to Entrepreneur of the
Year by NASDAQ, USA Today and Inc. Magazine. The same techniques he used can
take your personal life from failure to a success and can take your business
from beginning (or failure) to success. How much money have you wasted on
programs full of "good ideas" and untested theories? Bill Bartmann has the
experience and the proof of success to back his products up.