Winner of the Edgar Award, Shamus Award and Anthony Award - the first author to win all three – international bestselling author Harlan Coben’s critically-acclaimed novels have been called “ingenious” (New York Times), “poignant and insightful” (Los Angeles Times), “consistently entertaining” (Houston Chronicle), “superb” (Chicago Tribune) and “must reading” (Philadelphia Inquirer).
"Gone for Good" is one of the best books written by Coben.
You Are a Mathematician: A Wise and Witty Introduction to the Joy of Numbers
If you have ever wondered what makes mathematics so fascinating to a mathematician, this may be the book for you. Wells, a British teacher and author of several books of problems and popular mathematics, leads you through topics in geometry, theory of numbers, games, and scientific modeling. In each chapter, the author works upward from simple, specific examples to greater levels of generalization, demonstrating clearly the way new results are actually discovered by mathematicians. He expects only a background in high school algebra and a willingness to put in some effort.
One of the most concise and on point books about astrology, numerology, esoteric sciences and the like. An unabridged, digitally enlarged printing to include all illustrations by the author.
Slayers and Their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead
The first book to explore the origins of the vampire slayer “A fascinating comparison of the original vampire myths to their later literary transformations.” —Adam Morton, author of On Evil “From the Balkan Mountains to Beverly Hills, Bruce has mapped the vampire’s migration. There’s no better guide for the trek.” —Jan L. Perkowski, Professor, Slavic Department, University of Virginia, and author of Vampires of the Slavs and The Darkling: A Treatise on Slavic Vampirism
Henry David Thoreau (Bloom's Classic Critical Views)
Henry David Thoreau's accomplishments as a writer and a naturalist, along with his far-reaching political influence, are rarely disputed. His lasting influence can be established on the basis of "Civil Disobedience" alone. Learn more about Thoreau with this text, which includes an extensive biography of the author, literary criticism, a list of works by and about the author, and more.