This is the Graded Reader version of the famous Jack Kerouac novel about some friends who take a road trip across America in the 1950's. On the Road, first published in the USA in 1957, is the most famous of Jack Kerouac’s many novels. It is semi-autobiographical, and is based on events that took place in the USA in the late 1940s and early 1950s. This is when Jack Kerouac (Sal Paradise in On the Road) and his friend Neal Cassady (Dean Moriarty in the novel) traveled throughout America, covering huge distances in a very short time.
America's Top 101 Jobs For College Graduates, 6th Edition
Identify and explore top careers requiring a four-year college degree or more, plus get proven job search advice-all in one resource! This fully updated edition features thorough, current, and interesting descriptions for over 100 major jobs in convenient alphabetical order within five degree levels. It includes jobs in a wide range of industries, so you can put your degree to work in a field of interest. Plus, a special book-within-a-book section describes the seven steps that cut job search time in half. It includes resumes by professional resume writers for jobs described in the book.
One of the greatest dramas in all of modern times involves the peopling of America. In Ethnic America, Thomas Sowell provides a useful and concise record tracing the history of nine ethnic groups: the Irish, the Germans, the Jews, the Italians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Blacks, the Puerto Ricans, and the Mexicans.
Intermediate student's book for the German-based "English G" series of English books. Contains texts, exercises, grammar and intercultural study materials. Suitable for learners of English from intermediate to advanced levels (3-4 years of language practice).
Topics contained herein cover the United States of America, New York city, Kansas, young people in Britain and America, British history, Wales, songs and poems. Compatible with the B4 materials of "English G". Published in 1995.