A round-the-world bicycle tour with one of the most original artists of our day. Urban bicycling has become more popular than ever as recession- strapped, climate-conscious city dwellers reinvent basic transportation. In this wide-ranging memoir, artist/musician David Byrne-who has relied on a bike to get around New York City since the early 1980s-relates his adventures as he pedals through an engages with some of the world's major cities.
Joe and his enemy Bobby Fuller go back to 1913, where they meet Jim Thorpe, Bobby Fuller's great-grandfather. However, along the way they have several disagreements and, again. and almost die and also, Bobby Fuller tried to give steroids to Jim Thrope.
Joe and Flip Valentini go back in time with a radar gun to find out how fast Satchel Paige's pitching really was. Unfortunately, they never get to find out, attempting to do so several times only to have something go wrong in the last minute. Then Joe Stoshack leaves Flip Valentini in the past in a climatic chase scene, and Flip lives his life over again. at the end everyone ends up happy and a happy ending
The Baseball Card Adventures is a novel series is written by Dan Gutman. So far there are 10 books in the series. The 11th book, Ted & Me, is expected to be released in 2012. The books feature a boy, Joe Stoshack, who can travel through time when he touches old baseball cards. When he holds a baseball card, he is transported to the year that card was made and somewhere near the ballplayer on the card. Later he discovers that this power also works on very old photographs. He tries to use this power wisely, and he changes history several times, but it is always something different than his original goal.
Joe Stoshack experiences what it's like to be an African American in a segregated society when he travels back to 1947 to watch Jackie Robinson play, and while going back in time he himself turns black. He tries to bring back a bunch of Jackie Robinson cards, but the cards are stolen by the Dodger's batboy.