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How It's Made - Matches, Carousel Horses, Fine Porcelain, and Automobile Fuel Tanks (VIDEO)

Discovery Education - How It's Made


-Carousel Horses

-Fine Porcelain

-Automobile Fuel Tanks

 Grade Level : 3 - 8

Reuploaded Thanks to muljazim

The Culture of Usury in Renaissance England

The Culture of Usury in Renaissance EnglandThe Culture of Usury in Renaissance England

Usury is entrenched in the twenty-first century world.  Recently, however, public opinion has been shifting back to the strongly hostile view of usury held by humanity for millennia before the rise of capitalism.  This book examines the ways in which usury was perceived and portrayed at the very beginning of its rise to power.  David Hawkes examines early modern English depictions of usury in a wide variety of literary media: plays, pamphlets, poems, political economy, and parliamentary debates. It suggests that knowledge of such portrayals may help us settle accounts with the vastly expanded form taken by usury in our own time.
Econometrics 5th Ed.

Econometrics 5th Ed.Econometrics 5th Ed.

This textbook teaches some of the basic econometric methods and the underlying assumptions behind them. It also includes a simple and concise treatment of more advanced topics in spatial correlation, panel data, limited dependent variables, regression diagnostics, specification testing and time series analysis. Each chapter has a set of theoretical exercises as well as empirical illustrations using real economic applications. These empirical exercises usually replicate a published article using Stata or Eviews. A most useful text for an econometrics course.
Your Education Research Project Handbook

Your Education Research Project HandbookYour Education Research Project Handbook

This concise and accessible text is designed to prepare novice researchers in the planning, implementation, evaluation and writing-up of a small-scale research project, from first idea to finished product.

How It's Made - Swords, Pontoons, Grandfather Clocks, Fuses

Discovery Education - How It's Made



-Grandfather Clocks


 Grade Level : 3 - 8

Reuploaded Thanks to muljazim

