Global Metaphors: Modernity and the Quest for One World
The advent of the twentieth century saw an incredible advance in scientific technology. By the inter-war period of the 1920s and early 1930s cars, planes and radios were a part of everyday life, and science became a popular cult for a new age. Faith in science surged amidst an atmosphere of intellectual and social crisis.
Jo-Anne Pemberton looks in detail at the rhetoric used by the political classes of the time that propagated a vision of a new global unity, and reveals the way in which those same metaphors and imagery are used today in the rhetoric of globalization. Then, as now, the idea of "one world" was challenged by notions of manyness and multiplicity.
Drawing parallels between then and now, "Global Metaphors" reveals how much of the appeal of globalization rhetoric relies on shimmering technological fantasies about the future. Today this also incorporates images of the environment which are used to reinforce the idea of an interconnected world. While this seductive imagery is impelled at one level by the romance of scientific invention, Pemberton reveals the way in which it is also used to cement particular political, economic and cultural interests as universal goods. Arguing that our current debate about globalization is in effect a rerun of the same debate from the inter-war period, she explores why globalist thinking gains currency at particular moments in history, and looks beyond this to the interests, values and cultural biases it belies.
The book explores many similarities between early twentieth century discussions of modernity and late twentieth century debates about post modernity
Encyclopedia of World Cultures Volume 1: North America
This 10-volume set lists and describes more than 1,500 global cultures. Based on research of social scientists, it is the source for historical, social, political, economic, linguistic, religious, and other information on virtually every existing culture. Its cross-cultural perspective meets high school curricular requirements for world studies and social sciences.
One of the largest puzzle collections — 430 brainteasers based on algebra, arithmetic, permutations, probability, plane figure dissection, properties of numbers, etc. Intriguing, witty, paradoxical productions of one of the world's foremost creators of puzzles. Full solutions. More than 450 illustrations.
Mathematical essays and recreations
For nearly a century, this sparkling classic has provided stimulating
hours of entertainment to the mathematically inclined. The problems
posed here often involve fundamental mathematical methods and notions,
but their chief appeal is their capacity to tease and delight. In these
pages you will find scores of 11 recreations" to amuse you and to
challenge your problem-solving facilities-often to the limit.
Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning Environments Advances in technology are increasingly impacting the way in which
curriculum is delivered and assessed. The emergence of the Internet has
offered learners a new instructional delivery system that connects them
with educational resources. Advances in Web-Based Education:
Personalized Learning Environments covers a wide range of factors that
influence the design, use and adoption of personalized learning
environments, and it shows how user and pedagogical considerations can
be integrated into the design, development and implementation of
adaptive hypermedia systems to create effective personalized learning