I must applaud Dr. Rath as a progressive, cutting-edge health pioneer and consumer advocate! This book on heart disease is truly a gem, as far as cellular health and nutrition are concerned. This book provides powerful insight into the "real" underlying mechanisms of heart disease and how to be proactive in the prevention of this disease. Dr. Rath is a true champion of information that has taken investigative journalism to another level in order to expose the unethical and corrupt practices of many health industry giants.
This collection of essays examines the interrelations between illness, disability, health, society, and culture. The contributors examine how "narratives" have emerged and been utilized within these areas to help those who have experienced d injury, disability, dementia, pain, grief, or psychological trauma to express their stories. Encompassing clinical case studies, ethnographic field studies and autobiographical case studies, Health, Illness and Culture offers a broad overview and critical analysis of the present state of "illness narratives" within the fields of health and social welfare.
About the Author Rebecca Colman
Currently a senior medical student at the University of Toronto, Rebecca received her Honours Bachelor of Medical Science in Physiology from the University of Western Ontario.
Ron Somogyi
Currently a senior medical student at the University of toronto, Ron received an Honours Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, and a Masters of Science in Physiology, from the University of Toronto.
Medical students are overloaded with work, deprived of sleep and normal human contact, drilled and tested and scheduled down to the last minute. Difficult as the regimen may be, for those who don't fit the traditional mold--white, male, middle-to-upper class, and heterosexual--medical school can be that much more harrowing. This riveting book tells the tales of a new generation of medical students--students whose varied backgrounds are far from traditional.
National Univ. of Singapore, China. Provides a reference to common questions about medical student assessment. Topics include purpose driven assessment, key concepts in assessment, special issues in assessment in clinical medicine, objective structured clinical examination, mini clinical evaluation exercise, and more. For medical teachers.