This is a basic subject on matrix theory and linear algebra. Emphasis is given to topics that will be useful in other disciplines, including systems of equations, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvalues, similarity, and positive definite matrices.
The book begins at the level of an undergraduate student assuming only basic knowledge of calculus in one variable. It rigorously treats topics such as multivariable differential calculus, Lebesgue integral, vector calculus and differential equations. After having built on a solid foundation of topology and linear algebra, the text later expands into more advanced topics such as complex analysis, differential forms, calculus of variations, differential geometry and even functional analysis. Overall, this text provides a unique and well-rounded introduction to the highly developed and multi-faceted subject of mathematical analysis, as understood by a mathematician today.
Now students can bring home the classroom expertise of McGraw-Hill to help them sharpen their math skills! McGraw-Hill's Math Grade 6 helps your middle-school student learn and practice basic math skills he or she will need in the classroom and on standardized NCLB tests. Its attractive four-color page design creates a student-friendly learning experience, and all pages are filled to the brim with activities for maximum educational value. All content aligned to state and national standards
The first edition of this book sold more than 100,000 copies—and this new edition will show you why! Schaum’s Outline of Discrete Mathematics shows you step by step how to solve the kind of problems you’re going to find on your exams. And this new edition features all the latest applications of discrete mathematics to computer science!
Make a geodesic dome big enough to sit in. Solve one of the world’s hardest two-piece puzzles. Pass a straight line through a curved slot. From prime numbers to paraboloids, Amazing Math Projects You Can Build Yourself introduces readers ages 9 and up to the beauty and wonder of math through hands-on activities. Kids will cut apart shapes to discover area formulas, build beautiful geometric models to explore their properties, and amaze friends with the mysterious Möbius strip.