Added by: Anonymous | Karma: | Other exams, Maths | 19 June 2016
Gives students the practice they require to deepen their understanding through plenty of questions - Consolidates learning with unique digital resources on the CD, included free with every Student's Book This is a cost-effective and straightforward way to teach the latest syllabus, with all the core and extended content covered by a single book and accompanying free digital resources. A book dedicated to the core level content is also available.
This guide book to mathematics contains in handbook form the fundamental working knowledge of mathematics which is needed as an everyday guide for working scientists and engineers, as well as for students. Easy to understand, and convenient to use, this guide book gives concisely the information necessary to evaluate most problems which occur in concrete applications. In the newer editions emphasis was laid on those fields of mathematics that became more important for the formulation and modeling of technical and natural processes, namely Numerical Mathematics, Probability Theory and Statistics, as well as Information Processing.
This is a textbook for pre-service elementary school teachers and for current teachers who are taking professional development courses. By emphasizing the precision of mathematics, the exposition achieves a logical and coherent account of school mathematics at the appropriate level for the readership. Wu provides a comprehensive treatment of all the standard topics about numbers in the school mathematics curriculum: whole numbers, fractions, and rational numbers.
My First Steps to Math purports to improve the beginning mathematical and verbal skills of children aged 3-7. The characters in each of these ten books explore the world of numbers. They encounter beginning math concepts such as counting, adding and subtracting. Each book encourages active participation in the story and includes simple math-related activities so children can reinforce the concepts they have learned.
Added by: Anonymous | Karma: | Only for teachers, Maths | 4 February 2016
How the Brain Learns Mathematics
Learn how the brain processes mathematical concepts and why some students develop math anxiety!
David A. Sousa discusses the cognitive mechanisms for learning mathematics and the environmental and developmental factors that contribute to mathematics difficulties.