Language is the medium in which we humans compose our thoughts, explain our thinking, construct our arguments, and create works of literature. Without language, societies as complex as ours could not exist.
30-Second Literature: The 50 most important forms, genres and styles, each explained in half a minute Whether you’re looking for a new author or genre to explore, 30-Second Literature provides you with summaries of the major literary genres, styles and histories. Part of the 30-Second series, this introductory guide to literature is split into 7 chapters .....
Murderous Maths: All Shapes and Sizes is full of facts, tricks and tips about why shapes are super and measurements are magic! Updated for the relaunch of the primary national curriculum in autumn 2014, children can learn all about tricky triangles, vicious circles, spangled angles and much more with simple explanations and hilarious characters.
This book proposes an extension of Cognitive Grammar (Langacker 1987, 1991, 2008) towards a cognitive discourse grammar, through the unique environment that literary stylistic application offers. Drawing upon contemporary research in cognitive stylistics (Text World Theory, deixis and mind-modelling, amongst others), the volume scales up central Cognitive Grammar concepts (such as construal, grounding, the reference point model and action chains) in order to explore the attenuation of experience - and how it is simulated - in literary reading. In particular, it considers a range of contemporary texts by Neil Gaiman, Jennifer Egan, Jonathan Safran Foer, Ian McEwan and Paul Auster.