Maggie is very poor and has little to eat, but fortunately she meets an old woman that gives her a magic pot. All Maggie needs to do is to say special words and the pot cooks a delicious soup. When Maggie and her mum are hungry, they can have soup, a lot of soup! One day, while Maggie is out, something goes wrong. The magic pot cooks and cooks and it doesn’t stop. The soup goes all over the kitchen, the house, the garden! Will Maggie arrive in time and stop the pot?
Трое в лодке, не считая собаки / Three Men in a Boat (To say nothing of the dog)
Забавные каламбуры, тонкая ирония, невероятно смешные зарисовки из жизни сделали роман любимой книгой миллионов читателей. Эта книга станет прекрасным пособием по изучению языка благодаря прекрасному английскому и блистательному юмору автора. После каждого английского абзаца вы найдете краткий словарик с необходимыми словами и комментарии к переводу сложных грамматических конструкций. К словам, вызывающим затруднения при чтении, дана транскрипция. Текст снабжен лингвострановедческими комментариями на русском языке.
Every early morning the little birds in the wood fly everywhere to wake their animal friends up. One day a big brown owl comes. He wants to join the little birds but they do not want him, because they say he is too big and ugly and he can’t sing. The poor owl hides inside an old black tree. But the night comes again and… fairies arrive. It’s time for the owl to sing his song. He sings beautifully! The fairies start dancing and the night becomes magic!
A witch takes Rapunzel away from her parents when she is a small child. When Rapunzel grows into a beautiful young woman the witch locks her in a tower in the forest! However, the story ends happily with Rapunzel reunited with her parents and then marrying a prince!