The most valuable and important thing you do is to think. The quality of your thinking, especially about time, determines the quality of your life. Continually stop and ask, What is the most appropriate type of time for me to use in this situation? When you take the time to think before you react or respond, you will always make better decisions and get better results. Good luck!
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PDF (1 MB) bit.lyaidsami( Karma:1662.05) 23 November 2019 16:12
BOOK :: Master Your Time, Master Your Life (2016, PDF, 171 pages, 2.0 MB) 4file.netbonasera( Karma:15772.31) 24 November 2019 00:06
BOOK :: Master Your Time, Master Your Life (2016, PDF, 171 pages, 2.0 MB) shorten.shbonasera( Karma:15772.31) 24 November 2019 00:06
True & Original BOOK in single PDF :: Master Your Time, Master Your Life (2016, PDF, 171 pages, 1.0 MB no zipped) 4file.netaidsami( Karma:1662.05) 24 November 2019 09:11