Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary. Student's book
Published by: gala_lina (Karma: 46.84) on 16 February 2016 | Views: 658 |

Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary is a comprehensive Use of English manual for students preparing for the Cambridge CAE and Proficiency in English or any other EFL examination at a similar level. It combines clear and functional presentation of grammar and vocabulary issues with a huge variety of challenging and stimulating exercises. Its unique item-by-item approach makes it ideal supplementary classroom material, and its simplicity of design makes it an invaluable tool for self-study. Advanced Grammar & Vocabulary takes a holistic teaching approach, using listening, reading and detailed notes to help learners master all the skills needed at this level.
Express Publishing. — 237 p. OCR. Руководство для тех, кто готовится к сдаче Кембриджского экзамена САЕ или другому сходному с ним экзамену. Учебник сочетает ясную функциональную презентацию грамматики и вокабуляра с огромным количеством разнообразных упражнений. Может быть использован, как дополнительное пособие в классе так и для самостоятельного изучения. Dear User! Your publication has been rejected as it seems to be a duplicate of another publication that already exists on Englishtips. Please make sure you always check BEFORE submitting your publication. If you only have an alternative link for an existing publication, please add it using the special field for alternative links in that publication.
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Tags: Advanced, Vocabulary, Grammar, approach, makes, English, Student |