Each card includes a challenge (e.g. Do freeways solve the traffic problem?), an illustration, a list of thought-provoking and problem solving activities (e.g. Take a survey; Graph the costs; Write a speech), and some suggestions for follow-up activities (e.g. Research the influence of automobile on people's lives). The cards include tasks on the following topics:
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BOOK - Think-Ins - An Approach to Relevant Curriculum, Stressing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (1974, PDF, 31 pages, 4.5 MB) filedwon.inforobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 25 May 2015 23:39
BOOK - Think-Ins - An Approach to Relevant Curriculum, Stressing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (1974, PDF, 31 pages, 4.5 MB) ul.torobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 25 May 2015 23:40
BOOK - Think-Ins - An Approach to Relevant Curriculum, Stressing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (1974, PDF, 31 pages, 4.5 MB) rapidfileshare.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 25 May 2015 23:40
BOOK - Think-Ins - An Approach to Relevant Curriculum, Stressing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (1974, PDF, 31 pages, 4.5 MB) uploaded.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 25 May 2015 23:40
Think-Ins - An Approach to Relevant Curriculum, Stressing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving (1974, PDF, 31 cards,16Mb) dfiles.rutakol( Karma:26.80) 26 May 2015 03:27