Al-Mawrid+ Arabic English Dictionary for Goldendict
Published by: muta (Karma: 11.91) on 4 November 2014 | Views: 4412 |
Authoritative and probably the most popular Arabic-English dictionary. An indispensable tool for students, researchers and translators.
The dictionary has additions from many other Arabic-English sources, such as Wortabat's and Hans Wehr.
I tried the dictionary in Goldendict, but it could be opened with other programs that support the Lingvo dsl format. Goldendict Latest Early Access Build is highly recommended. It can open Lingvo dsl, Babylon bgl, and many other formats.
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( Karma: 11.00 ) 28 October 2017 07:27
Tags: Al-Mawrid, translators, Arabic, English, Goldendict, Dictionary |