Knowing the difficulty of cooking in a high altitude the author, in this book, has endeavored to give the public the benefit obtained from teaching and housekeeping in Denver, making high altitude cooking a special study. Water boils at sea level at 212°. In Denver, where the air is much lighter,it boils at 202°. Therefore, it does not reach as great a heat and boiling requires a longer time. It has been the wish to make the recipes practical and easily followed by the most inexperienced cooks. She has not attempted giving much information on chemistry and food values, leaving that for the cooking schools. No girl's education is complete without such a course. An intelligent knowledge of cooking will enable them to feed their family with less expense and giving them the variety the family requires. Food for invalids should be selected and cooked with the greatest care. A chapter is devoted to that kind of cooking. Scientific cooking should fill an important part in the training of a nurse.