Microsoft Word 2010 Bible
Published by: zzz11111 (Karma: 0) on 10 November 2010 | Views: 2364 |
In-depth guidance on Word 2010 from a Microsoft MVP
Microsoft Word 2010 arrives with many changes and improvements, and this comprehensive guide from Microsoft MVP Herb Tyson is your expert, one-stop resource for it all. Master Word's new features such as a new interface and customized Ribbon, major new productivity-boosting collaboration tools, how to publish directly to blogs, how to work with XML, and much more. Follow step-by-step instructions and best practices, avoid pitfalls, discover practical workarounds, and get the very most out of your new Word 2010 with this packed guide. Dear User, your publication has been rejected because WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS SORT OF MATERIALS at englishtips.org. We only allow educatinal materials that have a clear connection to learning or teaching English. Note: if you're trying to share a movie, TV series or a cartoon with English subtitles, you can post the links in our Forum. We do not accept such materials on the main site. Thank you
Tags: Microsoft, Bible, guidance, In-depth |