I’m a Mom! Now What? (Kate Cronan, Susan Laurent)
Published by: oxa26 (Karma: 260.58) on 28 November 2009 | Views: 1908 |
A fully illustrated month-by-month guide to the development and care of your baby from birth to 24 months, this innovative book walks moms through the early years of development when babies develop rapidly and have changing needs that parents need to respond to quickly.
AUTHOR : Susan Laurent is a consultant pediatrician at Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital in London and is a mother of three children, aged 5 to 15. Kate Cronan, the U.S. consultant and foreword writer, is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson College and Division Chief of Emergency Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics at the Du Pont Hospital for Children in Delaware.

Tags: baby, development, needs, changing, rapidly, develop, development, respond, quickly, parents |