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Learning to Write with Purpose: Effective Instruction in Grades 4-8 (Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy)
Published by: Maria (Karma: 3098.81) on 21 April 2012 | Views: 3332
Communicating ideas and information is what makes writing meaningful—yet many upper elementary and middle school students write in a vacuum, without considering the aims of their writing or the needs of their readers. This highly informative, teacher-friendly book presents a fresh perspective on writing instruction along with practical methods for the classroom. Teachers learn ways to promote the skills and strategies needed to write and revise effectively in a range of genres: personal narratives, fiction, and poetry; persuasive, explanatory, and "how-to" writing; and writing for high-stakes tests. Special features include vivid classroom vignettes, examples of student work, evaluation guidelines, and suggested "mentor texts" that model different genres.
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