The world is so full of remarkable things that a whole book of questions and answers could be written about an ordinary day in your life. Your body is miraculous. The clock and the radio are emarkable. The breakfast pop-up toaster is a marvel. Central heating and/or air conditioning, electric light, and elevators would seem like miracles to your ancestors of not so long ago. Modern transport, such as the school bus, the family car, airplanes overhead and subways below ground, are fantastic. And how about the telephone and television that receive radio waves from man-made satellites in orbit far above the earth? There's no need to look far for marvels and wonders provided you have an inquiring mind. You'll be amazed at how much more you will get out of your reading when you keep a "question-and-answer" approach in your mind. Seeking the right question to ask about a subject is a wonderful way of concentrating the mind!