Tom Whitehead had never heard of Operation Gold Dust. Why would he? No reason for respected middle-class academic, loving husband and father of two to be aware of an international investigation into internet paedophilia. Until he finds himself at the centre of it. Raided by the police at dawn, and in the full glare of the paparazzi, Tom is hauled away for questioning - about the pornography found on his computer that it was paid for with his credit card and about the overwhelming, conclusive evidence against him. As he is questioned, he discovers that this was no random search, that he has been under investigation for some time. The police acquired his details from the National Criminal Intelligence Service - via the FBI. But why? And how? An innocent man, Tom needs to know urgently why he has been framed. Because there is something sinister going on - something that threatens to strike at everything he holds dear... The book provides good entertainment. It is very well read by Daniel Philpott for ISIS Audiobooks.