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E-learning Tools and Technologies: A consumer's guide for trainers, teachers, educators, and instructional designers
Published by: englishcology (Karma: 4552.53) on 6 September 2008 | Views: 4692
A comprehensive guide to help you cut through the hype in order to
select the best E-Learning tools and vendors for your specific needs
With its ability to both reduce operating costs and train more
people, E-Learning is an attractive option for companies that are
trying to balance business and educational goals. But in order to
implement an E-Learning program, you'll have to wade through hundreds
of learning management systems, learning content management systems,
authoring schools, and collaboration environments to determine what
solution will work best for your situation.
In this in-depth book, recognized E-Learning experts William and
Katherine Horton survey the entire field of E-Learning tools for you.
They provide you with a systematic way to identify, evaluate, and
choose products and services based on different E-Learning scenarios.
In this no-holds barred look at E-Learning tools, the authors:
Arm you with a complete list of questions to ask vendors before you commit to a product
Describe product limitations throughout each chapter and include special Rant sections that you must read
Present tips and tricks as well as common mistakes to avoid
List potential vendors and contact information by tool category
The companion Web site contains design forms, checklists of features
to look for in the various tool categories, spreadsheets, and lists of
specific tools and vendors.