The New Yorker - July 7 and 14, 2008
Published by: Maria (Karma: 3098.81) on 16 July 2008 | Views: 2239 |

COMMENT Obama’s Iraq Problem Last year’s rhetoric meets this year’s facts. by George Packer THE TALK OF THE TOWN Thousand Words Dept.: By a Nose A Rockland County mom draws Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. by Ben McGrath Back Pages Dept.: The Chill The wild man behind “Wild Thing.” by Nick Paumgarten Annals of Naught: Nothing Doing A Yankees team to remember. by Roger Angell THE FINANCIAL PAGE Oily Speculations The blame game and the price of oil. by James Surowiecki ONWARD AND UPWARD WITH THE ARTS Romeo, Romeo The ballet gets a happy ending. by Joan Acocella SHOUTS & MURMURS My Airline by David Owen A CRITIC AT LARGE The Back of the World The genius of G. K. Chesterton. by Adam Gopnik ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY Preparing the Battlefield The Administration’s secret Iran campaign. by Seymour M. Hersh A REPORTER AT LARGE The Island in the Wind A small ecological triumph. by Elizabeth Kolbert Slide Show: Photographs of the Danish island of Samsø. FICTION Thirteen Hundred Rats by T. Coraghessan Boyle POEMS “After Love” by Jack Gilbert “Songs of a Season” by Maureen N. McLane A CRITIC ABROAD China’s burgeoning music scene. by Alex Ross BOOKS Stanley Plumly’s “Posthumous Keats.” by Adam Kirsch Briefly Noted: “The Garden of Last Days”; “Breath”; “Kafka Comes to America”; “Collections of Nothing” THE THEATRE “Palace of the End,” “Arias with a Twist,” “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind.” by Hilton Als THE CURRENT CINEMA “Hancock,” “Tell No One.” by David Denby Sonic Youth and the Feelies go outdoors. by Sasha Frere-Jones Alan Cumming plays a young god. by Hilton Als The holy wonder of “Vertigo.” by Richard Brody TABLES FOR TWO Ago by Lauren Collins
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Tags: year’s, George, Packer, Yorker, facts, year's |