The UNEP Year Book 2008 (formerly the GEO Year Book) is the fifth
annual report on the changing environment produced by the United
Nations Environment Programme in collaboration with many world
environmental experts. The UNEP Year Book 2008 highlights the
increasing complexity and interconnections of climate change, ecosystem
integrity, human well-being, and economic development. It examines the
emergence and influence of economic mechanisms and market driven
approaches for addressing environmental degradation. It describes
recent research findings and policy decisions that affect our awareness
of and response to changes in our global environment.
In three sections, the UNEP Year Book 2008 focuses on recent environmental events, developments, and scientific findings:
The Global Overview surveys the significant environmental events that
gained prominence during 2007. Using graphs, charts, and photos with
examples from regional experiences, the overview also tracks new
scientific and policy developments on the environmental front.
The Feature Focus documents some of the creative efforts already
working in markets and financial circles to fight the growing climate
crisis. The section also examines patterns that are emerging after a
decade of carbon market experimentation. Finally, it attempts to map
the next important steps that will assist the transition to an
environmentally-sound economy.
The Emerging Challenge examines recent scientific findings on the role
of arctic climate feedbacks. Release of methane from thawing permafrost
and from hydrate deposits are amplifiying warming trends. The section
emphasizes the urgent need for increased investments in climate and
energy research, knowledge partnerships, and global political responses
to meet these serious challenges.
The UNEP Year Book 2008 is essential, informative, and authoritative
reading for anyone with a role or an interest in our changing