Hundreds of interview-acing words and phrases to land you the job
In a job interview, every word counts. That's why you need to make sure you'll be prepared with exactly the right answers to any question an interviewer might throw at you. With Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview, you will be equipped to handle even the toughest questions. This ready reference supplies you with:
- The best answers to a wide range of interview questions, from icebreaker questions about experience to questions about specific skills to the dreaded "Why did you leave (or get fired from) your last job?"
- Exercises and resources that help you prepare for the big day
- Tips on words to avoid and on how you can convince a potential employer that you are perfect for the job
From the Back Cover
The Right Phrase for Every Situation...Every Time
The all-important job interview--it's your one chance to sell yourself to a potential employer, and you don't want to blow it. You need to use this crucial opportunity to demonstrate your unique skills, creativity, experience, and value in the workplace, and to do this, you need to know exactly what to say to showcase your strengths. Clearly and succinctly, you must let the interviewer know why you are right for the job--and you must be prepared to answer any question. Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview provides a complete arsenal of ready-to-use responses for a wide variety of interview scenarios. With this quick-reference guide, you will learn how to:
- Break the ice and make a winning impression
- Emphasize your skills, experience, and style--and land the job
- Handle tough questions with ease--even if you must explain why you were fired
- Communicate your salary and career goals
In a job interview, every word counts. This essential guide includes specific phrases for any question you'll get asked, as well as exercises, problem words to avoid, and key communication secrets that give you the competitive edge and help you get the job.