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Main page » Coursebooks » Games for children (kindergarten/preschool)

Games for children (kindergarten/preschool)


11 games for children + 33 printable animal images + pictures of animals for colouring

These are some of the materials I used to teach children (a 3 and a 5-year-old) some vocabulary, simple phrases and answers to common questions. They keep children interested and make English fun.

I created the games using graphics software and some scans of a dictionary for children.

Game 1: body parts & clothing

Game 2: clothing & numbers

Game 3: clothing & simple adjecties (i.e. hot & cold)

Game 4: simple adjectives & simple activities (i.e. walking)

Game 5: simple activities (some more than in game 4)

Game 6: toys & simple objects

Game 7: simple objects & prepositions of place

Game 8: questions about people & their actions (good for practising vocabulary from previous games)

Game 9: food (colouring game)

Revision 1 & 2: food, clothing, colours, cutlery, animals (I used seperate pictures for animals [provided] & colours, for cutlery I cut out pictures of food and put them on plates, in a glass, etc.)

Animals: printable pictures of animals (I put each of them on a piece of cardboard and placed them all around the room)

Zoo: you can print these four colouring pages , glue them together & ask children to create a route for the game by drawing arrows (you teach them directions whilst drawing the route)
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Tags: children, games, kindergartenpreschool, Games, questions