People on People: The Oxford Dictionary of Biographical Quotations
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 496
Publication Date: 2001-12-20
Sales Rank: 1629311
ISBN / ASIN: 0198662610
EAN: 9780198662617
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA
Studio: Oxford University Press, USA
Average Rating: 3
Total Reviews: 1
Book Description:
This is the ultimate collection of quotations from famous people
about famous people. From Martin Amis on Jimmy Connors and Jane Austen
on Henry VIII, to Liz Hurley on Marilyn Monroe, there are over 4,000
quotations about both historical and contemporary figures from all
over the world. The speakers are often as well known as the people they
are talking about, and come from a broad range of disciplines rnd
professions, including actors, architects, dancers, historians,
mathematicians, literary figures, politicians, academics, sports
personalities, and scientists. All the quotations about each
individual are brought together in an entry headed by a brief
description, making it possible to compare what different people have
said about one particular person. A detailed author index gives a
context line from each quotation, biographical information on authors,
and an overview of their comments, often revealing their personalities.
Entertaining and perfect for browsing, it is also a valuable
biographical resource. Who could fathom Plato's mind? Unless one is a
genius philosophy is a mug's game Iris Murdoch on Plato He was a good
man, but did not know how to paint El Greco on Michelangelo Madame
Curie is very intelligent but as cold as a herring Albert Einstein on
Marie Curie We elected a
President, not a Pope Barbara Streisand on Bill Clinton His
technique is astounding, yet everything is accomplished with the air of
someone sauntering through the park on a spring morning Margot Fonteyn
on Fred
Astaire Keep your eyes on him; some day he will give the world something to talk about Mozart on Beethoven
Date: 2003-08-30 Rating: 3
Review: About the best available, that's still in print
This anthology of biographical quotations is the best of a thin field.
It contains about 400 pages of quotes, distributed among the great, the
notorious, and current celebrities. Most of the subjects are English
and American, with a smattering of European worthies added in. The tone
of the collection tends to wisecrackery. A fun collection for dipping,
but more solid reference tomes of biographical quotations have been