NATURAL ENGLISH-Teacher Training Pack
NATURAL ENGLISH Binder (2006-12-01) - 536 стр
NATURAL ENGLISH-Teacher Training Pack (2006-12-01) - 359 стр
9.1 Mb
(1) NATURAL ENGLISH Binder (2006-12-01) - 536 стр
p 3 - Language reference (Очень наглядно, для всех 4 уровней, причём c примерами, упражнениями и ответами к ним)
p 105 - review exercises (3-4) Дополнительные тесты с ответами. Можно копировать в Word и редактировать по вашему усмотрению.
p 171 - word boosters. New words (worksheets + exercises + answers)
Не пропустите этот раздел! Мне он очень нравится, впрочем, это лишь мое мнение. Раздел посвящён изучению новых слов в английском языке и содержит немало упражнений.
p 204 - tapescripts
Этими текстами можно пользоваться ещё до приобретения аудио, настолько они хороши. В разделе - естественно звучащие монологи и диалоги (иллюстрирующие изученный материал), а кроме того - рассказанные в неформальной манере забавные истории. Кстати, вот 2 примера таких, случайно выбранных, анекдотов:
There’s a businessman, sitting in an airport lounge, and he’s waiting for a very important client to arrive. and he looks across the lounge, and he sees Bill Gates sitting alone on the other side of the lounge. so he goes over to him and he introduces himself and he says, ‘Mr Gates, my client is a really, really big fan of yours. Could you do me a favour? You see, I’m waiting for him, and when he arrives, do you think you could walk past me, and just tap me on the shoulder and say. ‘Hi, John! How are you doing?’ and Bill Gates says, ‘Yes, sure.’So erm the client arrives, and Bill Gates sees him arrive and he comes across, and he taps John on the shoulder and says, ‘Hi, John!’ and John turns round to Bill and says, ‘Oh, go away, Bill! Can’t you see I’m busy?’
There are three women, and they’re having coffee together, and they’re boasting about their sons. So the first woman says, ‘Oh, I’ve got the most wonderful son. Do you know that last year for my birthday, he gave a big party for me at an expensive
restaurant.’ The wo… second woman says. ‘Oh, really? Well, my son, last winter,paid for me to go on a luxury cruise around the world. First class!’And the third woman says, ‘That’s nothing! My son’s been going to a psychiatrist three times a week for five years at $80 an hour. And he spends the whole time talking about me!’
p 356 - word boxes
ситуативный английский - списки разговорных выражений / situational english lists .
Примеры тем: among other things you'll find there such topics as:
making people listen; inviting people to speak; conversation openers; responding with interest;hopes and plans;responding with sympathн and understanding; giving opinions; agreeing and disagreeing; talking about priorities; postcard language;offers and requests; me too / me neither; on my / your own, by myself / yourself, alone, lonely; fun / funny; like, such as, and that sort of thing; imprecise periods of time; talking about memories... и т.д. ...etc... etc...
p 390 - word police
тематические списки слов. topical wordlists
food; bodies; shopping; driving ...etc...etc...
p 403 - reading
Дополнительные тексты для чтения к 3 и 4 уровням курса.
p 425 - wordlists
Список основных слов и выражений, изучаемых в каждой из глав всех уровней курса Natural English.
A list of the core words and expressions studied in each unit of Natural English series(4 levels)
p 476 - несколько образцов страниц из оригинального курса/a number of sample pages from the coursebooks
p 527 - доступ к вебсайту для студентов (сотни интерактивных упражнений)
access to the student's web site with hundreds of interactive tasks
p 529 - the components of the course and how to buy it
список компонентов курса и ссылка для покупки online
(2) NATURAL ENGLISH-Teacher Training Pack (2006-12-01)
359 pp
Комплект методических материалов для преподавателей. Годится не только для тех, кто работает с курсом Natural English. Вам понравится! Вот что внутри:
p 3 - Teacher training packs
User-friendly sessions, suitable for CELTA-level trainees and as 'refresher sessions' for more experienced teachers. Can be used on training courses or for in-service training.
p 150 - Teacher development chapters
All the teacher development chapters from the natural English teacher's books, covering a wde range of methodological areas.
p 290 - Internet Lesson Plans
Downloadable Internet Lesson Plans that show you how to use the Internet with your classes.
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