The American College of Emergency Physicians has created an essential and comprehensive first aid manual with treatments and techniques explained, step-by-step and illustrated with hundreds of photographs to show how to perform them correctly. Featuring important life-saving procedures, including rescue breathing, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, treatment for a blocked airway, and other life-threatening situations, the book also provides detailed anatomical information and offers treatments for people of any age in any situation.
Suitable for a one-semester course in general relativity for senior undergraduates or beginning graduate students, this text clarifies the mathematical aspects of Einstein's theory of relativity without sacrificing physical understanding. The text begins with an exposition of those aspects of tensor calculus and differential geometry needed for a proper treatment of the subject. The discussion then turns to the spacetime of general relativity and to geodesic motion
Approximately 35 to 40 million Americans will deal with severe depression at some point in their lives. Whether you’re a newly diagnosed patient, or a friend or relative, this book offers help. The only volume available to provide the doctor’s and patient’s view, 100 Questions and Answers About Depression gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions about treatment options, coping strategies -- for both patient and caregiver and much more. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of this debilitating condition.